- reportage
- family photosoot
- UkrainianComunity
- PhotographerLimerick
- StPatricksDayFestivalLimerick
- StPatricksDayLimerick
- portrait
- индивидуальная фотосессия
- фешн сьемка
- фотосесія
- портретна фотосесія
January 31, 2024 13:47
March 23, 2023 11:58
Capturing the Heart of Limerick City with a Street Photoshoot: My Experience with Kate
March 23, 2023 11:58
Capturing the Heart of Limerick City with a Street Photoshoot: My Experience with Kate
Capturing the Heart of Limerick City with a Street Photoshoot: My Experience with Kate
March 22, 2023 23:35
Capturing Memories at Home: Your Guide to a Home-Based Photoshoot in Limerick
March 22, 2023 23:35
Capturing Memories at Home: Your Guide to a Home-Based Photoshoot in Limerick
Capturing Memories at Home: Your Guide to a Home-Based Photoshoot in Limerick.
During your home-based photoshoot, I'll capture candid moments of you and your family having fun and enjoying each other's company. Whether you're baking cookies in the kitchen or playing games in the living room, I'll be there to capture every special moment.
March 19, 2023 02:17
St. Patrick's Day Festival Limerick 2023
портретна фотосесія, reportage, family photosoot, UkrainianComunity, PhotographerLimerick, StPatricksDayFestivalLimerick, StPatricksDayLimerick
March 19, 2023 02:17
St. Patrick's Day Festival Limerick 2023
As a photographer, I had the incredible opportunity to capture the vibrant St. Patrick's Day celebrations in Limerick. From the colorful dances to the lively music, there was no shortage of festive spirit in the air. But what really stood out to me was the large Ukrainian community that came out to join in on the fun.